Abstract submission information for oral and poster presentations
Abstract submission for ILASS Europe 2023 has been re-opened for authors who are interested to a poster presentation only.
Three routes are available for the submission:
1. Contributed papers (8-10 pages)
Either oral or poster presentations as selected by the Scientific Committee.
Title and authors will be visible in the final conference program. They will be considered for awards and special issues and included in the conference proceedings. Deadline: passed. Abstract under revision.
2. Contributed short papers (2-4 pages – no abstract )
Only contributed poster presentations (there will be no further selection by the Scientific Committee if submitted for this route).
Title and authors will be visible in the conference program in the poster session section. They will be not considered for awards and special issues but included in the conference proceedings in a special session. Deadline: 31 May 2023
3. Work in progress posters (max 1 page abstract – no paper).
Only poster presentations (there will be no selection by the Scientific Committee if submitted for this route).
Title and authors will be visible in the conference program in the poster session section. They will be not considered for awards and special issues but included in the conference proceedings in a special section. Deadline: 30 June 2023
Information for the submission of contributions related to 2. (contributed short papers) and 3. (WiP) are reported in the sub-sections of this webpage.
Authors who sent their abstract for Contributed papers (route 1) and that will be selected by the Scientific Committee for a poster presentation can choose to send a full paper (8-10 pages) or a contributed short paper only (route 2).